Michigan Tech: Auditions for Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night
Post date: Nov 27, 2011 2:36:41 PM
Sunday, December 4, 7:00 pm Walker 210
Monday, December 5, 7:00 pm Walker 210
The production and rehearsals will be next semester. Performances are March 22-25, and March 29-April 1, in McArdle Theatre. Rehearsals begin February 1 and will generally be Sunday-Thursday evenings, 7-10 pm. There will be Sunday matinee performances on March 25 and April 1.
The play will be performed using the "No Fear Shakespeare" version of the play, which provides a contemporary "translation." The translation is for rehearsal purposes only ; the original language will be used in performance. A script can be found online at:
To audition: Familiarize yourself with a scene or monologue from the play. (You may audition with a partner or on your own. The audition will also include cold readings from the play. You need only come to one of the auditions, either Sunday or Monday. Plan to arrive at 7:00 and stay for the duration.
Patricia Helsel
Assistant Professor of Theatre
Head, Theatre and Electronic Media Performance
Visual and Performing Arts Department
Michigan Technological University
1400 Townsend Drive
Houghton, MI 49931-1295