2005: Vol. 19, No. 1

Letter from the President

Once again I have been given the opportunity to serve as President of the Players board and I consider it a great honor to have been chosen to lead such a prestigious group for the next year. This being the first news letter since the annual meeting, I would first like to thank Ken Olkkonen for the great job he did in leading the Players board last year. I would also like to thank the departing board members and welcome the new ones.

Even though the year has just started the board and I have been busy. So far this year we have submitted two grant proposals, one for the façade work on the Players’ building and also a mini-grant for the spring production. At this time we are still waiting to hear if we will receive funds from either of these grants.

I’m very pleased to announce that this spring’s production will be “The Mousetrap” written by Agatha Christie. It will be directed by Mick McKellar, who was one of the students who completed the Directors Workshop put on by Doctor Debra Bruch and sponsored by the Players. The board is very excited to have Mick on board as a new director.

What is the fall musical going to be? That is the question the board and I most often hear. As of right now we are planning on “Annie Get Your Gun”, but there are still some things that have to be resolved before the board can make a commitment to the show. Hopefully we will have them worked out in the next couple of weeks.

In addition to writing grants I have also made the appointments of committee chairpersons for the year. I would like to see more of the members get involved with the work of the committees this year. Elsewhere in this news letter you will find a list of the committees and who is chairing them. Please let the chairperson or any board member know if you would be willing to work on a committee. We sure could use you.

While the year is just starting you can already see that the Players are off to another busy season, however, to make it a successful season we need You! I’m looking forward to working with all of you to make this, the 26th season of the Calumet Players, a success.

Dennis Racine


Your Membership Counts!

While the Calumet Players generate most of our revenues from our productions, a good portion also comes from membership dues.

Sometimes it makes the difference between our showing a profit or a loss. Producing shows is an expensive endeavor and any support we receive from you, our patrons, is greatly appreciated.

If you have a friend, neighbor, or relative who would like to receive this newsletter twice per year (or more), please drop us a note at the address listed elsewhere in this issue. If you have any questions about your membership, please feel free to write us a note.

The Calumet Players is a non-profit, tax-exempt 501(c)3 organization.

Committee Members Needed

WE NEED YOU…. To volunteer to work on a committee. Each of our Board members chairs a committee, however, they cannot do all the work themselves. As the old saying goes ‘many hands make light work’. Below we have listed the committees with the chairperson. Please contact the chairperson for the committee(s) you would like to serve on.

Auditions!! “The Mousetrap”

In 2003 the Calumet Players fall musical was “My Fair Lady”. The show was also a training ground for possible future directors, with Deb Bruch from MTU as the instructor. Mick McKellar, one of the students who graduated from that workshop, will be directing the Agatha Christie murder-mystery “The Mousetrap” Mick will be holding auditions for “The Mousetrap” at the ‘Little Gem Theatre’ at the E-Center in Lake Linden on Tuesday and Wednesday, February 22 & 23. Everyone is welcomed

to audition.

This is the first play that the Players have produced since “Lend Me a Tenor” in 1997. Show dates for “The Mousetrap” are May 6, 7, 13, & 14 at the “Little Gem”. If you should have any questions please feel free to e-mail him at: mckellar@chartermi.net or call Mick at 337-5596.

Mousetrap-The Production

As with all productions, what you see on stage is only a part of the whole picture. There are many people working behind the scenes before and during the show. We are always looking for people to help out on shows behind the scenes.

If you are interested in workingback stage, or on production work beforehand, please come to one of the auditions on February 22 or 23. You can also contact the Production Coordinator, Debbie Aubin by e-mail at: daubin3@excite.com or call her at: 337-0872.

Annual Meeting Report

On Saturday, October 9, 2004 the Players held their Annual Meeting in the Little Gem Theatre at the E-Center in Lake Linden. The main order of business was the election of officers with the following persons elected to the Board of Directors for the 2005 season.

Following the meeting a potluck social was held in celebration of the Calumet Players 25th Anniversary. A good time was had by all. There was a lot of good food, good conversation, and many trips down memory lane as we viewed posters from most of our previous shows (since we started doing musicals), leafed through scrapbooks of articles, and looked at photos from performances gone by.

For those who did not attend, we hope you try to make it to future annual meetings. They are a great way for us to get to know each other better.

Arts In The Keweenaw


22 Auditions Calumet Players

“The Mousetrap"

7:00 p.m.

Little Gem Theatre

E-Center; Lake Linden

23 Auditions Calumet Players

“The Mousetrap"

7:00 p.m.

Little Gem Theatre

E-Center; Lake Linden


18 “Leon Redbone”

Calumet Theatre


6, 7 “The Mousetrap”

Calumet Players

7:30 p.m.

Little Gem Theatre

E-Center; Lake Linden

13, 14“The Mousetrap”

Calumet Players

7:30 p.m.

Little Gem Theatre

E-Center; Lake Linden

Schedule subject to change. All shows 8:00 p.m unless otherwise noted.